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The image features the title "Beneath the Surface: Adrien's Artistic Perspective on Generative AI." The background consists of colourful, pixelated static, creating a visual texture reminiscent of digital noise. In the centre of the image, there's a teal rectangular overlay containing the title in bold, white text.
May 28, 2024 - A conversation with Adrien Limousin - a photographer and visual artist, sheds light on the nuanced Read more
This year, we collaborated with Kingston School of Art to give MA students the task of creating their own better Read more
The image shows a colourful illustration of a story-like scene, with two half star characters performing various tasks. The stars, along with a wizard, are interacting with drawings, magnifying glasses, and magic-like elements. Below that, there is a scene with a fantasy landscape, including a castle and dragon. To the right of the image, text reads: 'Behind the Image with Minyue' and below that, a tagline reads: 'Let AI Become Your Magic Wand' which is the name of Minyue's image submission. The background of the image is light blue.
This year, we collaborated with Kingston School of Art to give MA students the task of creating their own better Read more
This year, we collaborated with Kingston School of Art to give MA students the task of creating their own better Read more
An image with a light blue background that reads, 'Let's Collab!' at the top, the word 'Collab' underlined in burgandy. Below that, it says 'Better Images of AI x Kingston School of Art' with 'Kingston School of Art' in teal. Below the text is an illustration of two hands high-fiving, with black sleeves and white hands. Around the hands are burgundy stars.
This year, we were pleased to partner with Kingston’s School of Art to run an elective for their MA Illustration, Read more
In this blog post, Anna Nadibaidze explores the main themes found across common visuals of AI in the military domain. Read more
Better Images of AI is delighted to be working with Cambridge University’s AI Ethics Society to create a community of Read more
Seventeen multicoloured post-it notes are roughly positioned in a strip shape on a white board. Each one of them has a hand drawn sketch in pen on them, answering the prompt on one of the post-it notes "AI is...." The sketches are all very different, some are patterns representing data, some are cartoons, some show drawings of things like data centres, or stick figure drawings of the people involved.
Camila Leporace – journalist, researcher, and PhD in Education – argues that innovation may not be in artificial intelligence (AI) Read more
Marika Jonsson's book cover; a simple yellow cover with the title (in Swedish): "En bok om AI"
Marika Jonsson, doctoral student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, reflects on overcoming the challenge of developing an Easy Read Read more
Yasmine Boudiaf (left) and Tamsin Nooney (right) deliver a talk during the workshop ‘Co-creating Better Images of AI’
In July, 2023, Science Gallery London and the London Office of Technology and Innovation co-hosted a workshop helping Londoners think Read more
A new Better Image of AI – every day for November. Visit the free image library throughout November to see a range of new images from exciting artists. 30 New Images in 30 Days!
Announcing 30 New Images in 30 Days - one new image being added to the Better Images of AI Library Read more
A! x Design Open call poster - We now invite Artists from EU and affiliated countries to join the Open Call
We and AI have teamed up with AIxDesign to commission three artists to encourage a better understanding of AI. Thanks Read more
A person with their hands on a laptop keyboard is looking at something happening over their screen with a worried expression. They are white, have shoulder length dark hair and wear a green t-shirt. The overall image is illustrated in a warm, sketchy, cartoon style. Floating in front of the person are three small green illustrations representing different industries, which is what they are looking at. On the left is a hospital building, in the middle is a bus, and on the right is a siren with small lines coming off it to indicate that it is flashing or making noise. Between the person and the images representing industries is a small character representing artificial intelligence made of lines and circles in green and red (like nodes and edges on a graph) who is standing with its ‘arms’ and ‘legs’ stretched out, and two antenna sticking up. A similar patten of nodes and edges is on the laptop screen in front of the person, as though the character has jumped out of their screen. The overall image makes it look as though the person is worried the AI character might approach and interfere with one of the industry icons.
We are delighted to start releasing some useful new images donated by the Data Hazards project into our free image Read more
Some screenshots of the new Better Images of AI Guide fr Users and Creators
On 24 January, the Better Images of AI project launched a Guide for Users and Creators of images of AI Read more
Selection of Post-It notes representing childrens views of AI
The BBC Research and Development team asked hundreds of children this question as part of their Get Curious event at Read more
LCFI Research Project l FINAL WORKSHOPS ANNOUNCED! Calling all journalists, AI practitioners, communicators and creatives! (Event poster in Better Images of AI blue and purple colours, with logos)
Three new workshops have been announced in September and October by the Better Images of AI project team. We will Read more
Silicon block on a plain black background
The physical materials involved in artificially intelligent systems are all-too-frequently absent from discussions of AI itself. By picturing the physicality Read more
Dreaming Beyond AI is a multi-disciplinary and collaborative web-based project bringing together artists, researchers, activists, and policymakers to create new Read more
Woman to the left, jumbled up letters entering her ear
You often hear the phrase “words matter”: words help us to make sense of the world around us. Yet, in Read more
Two digitally illustrated green playing cards on a white background, with the letters A and I in capitals and lowercase calligraphy over modified photographs of human mouths in profile.
Alina’s image, Handmade A.I. was one of the first additions to the Better Images of AI repository. This blog explores Read more
AI generated image of a coffee cup, with 'AI' written on the top
The AIHub coffee corner captures the musings of AI experts over a short conversation. As a Founding Supporter of Better Read more
A window of three images. On the right is a photo of a big tree in a green field in a field of grass and a bright blue sky. The two on the left are simplifications created based on a decision tree algorithm. The work illustrates a popular type of machine learning model: the decision tree. Decision trees work by splitting the population into ever smaller segments. I try to give people an intuitive understanding of the algorithm. I also want to show that models are simplifications of reality, but can still be useful, or in this case visually pleasing. To create this I trained a model to predict pixel colour values, based on an original photograph of a tree.
Rens Dimmendaal, Principal Data Scientist at GoDataDriven, discusses with Better Images of AI the need to cut through the unnecessary Read more
A photographic rendering of a simulated middle-aged white woman against a black background, seen through a refractive glass grid and overlaid with a distorted diagram of a neural network.
Based on an interview with Spencer Collins, expert Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor, exploring his perspective on the importance of Read more
An illustration of three „pixelated“ cupboards next to each other with open drawers, the right one is black
A piece always needs an image. With the fast pace environment of the newsroom, limited budget and a general lack Read more
Pictures of Artificial Intelligence often remove the human side of the technology completely, removing all traces of human agency. Better Read more
Two pencil drawn 1960s style towy robots being scribbled out by a pencil on a pale blue background
Visually describing AI technologies is not just about reaching out to the general public, it also means getting things marketing Read more
An abstract illustration with fluid words spelling Data, Oil, Fluid and Leak
Data as a fluid, data streams, data flows, data leaks. Data as a resource, data is the new oil, mining Read more
An abstract image containing stylized black cubes and a half-transparent veil infront of a night street scene
The black box narrative was originally intended as a ‘wake-up call’ to direct our attention towards certain risks of algorithmic Read more
A human hand touching a glossy round surface with cloudy blue texture that resembles a globe
Note: We acknowledge that there is no one way of being blind and no one way of imagining AI as Read more
A handmade sketch of four figures throwing shadows that look like neural networks
Images of AI have been a problem rattling around my mind for many years. As a degree student studying AI, Read more
Non-profit collaboration starts to make and distribute more accurate and inclusive visual representations of AIFollows research showing that current popular Read more
A photographic rendering of a young black man standing in front of a cloudy blue sky, seen through a refractive glass grid and overlaid with a diagram of a neural network
Alan Warburton is a multidisciplinary artist exploring the impact of software on contemporary visual culture. His hybrid practice feeds insight Read more
What if a major issue with AI stock images is the abundant use of the color blue in the background? Read more
A robot hand and a human hand reaching out with their fingertips towards each other
Few images are as recognisable or as frequently memed as Michelangelo’s Creazione di Adamo (Creation of Adam), a moment from Read more
An artistically distorted image of colorful sound waves containing no robots or other clichee representation of AI
In what ways does a failure to consider the sonic framing of AI influence or undermine attempts to broaden public Read more
A grid of photos of a tree in different seasons, overlayed by a grid of white rectangles rotating in different angles
We have noticed that news stories or press releases about AI are often illustrated with stock photos of shiny gendered Read more
A typical bad stockphoto of AI showing a robotic hand typing on a computer keyboard
The following is an excerpt from the full article on by Daniel Leufer: So what makes a robot Read more
A screenshot of a video conference showing the participants of the panel discussion
The German conference “KI und Wir” organized a panel discussion about the topic of visual representation of AI in the Read more